
Week 16-Class 1 Grade 4

1. What do you like doing? 你喜欢干什么?

I like riding my scooter. 我喜欢滑我的滑轮

2. What does she like doing? 她喜欢做什么?

She likes reading comic books. 她喜欢看漫画书。

3. What does he like doing? 他喜欢做什么?

He likes playing video games. 他喜欢打电动游戏。

4. What do they like doing? 他们喜欢做什么?

They like making models. 他们喜欢制作模型。

Week 16-Class 1 Grade 6

1. You look awful, Are you okay? 你看起来很糟糕,还好吗?

No, I had a terrible day. 不,我昨天倒霉透顶了。

2. I am sorry. What happened? 真是抱歉,发生什么事了。

First, I woke up late. Next, I forgot my homework.

Then, I failed the test.


3. You look great. 你看上去好极了

Yeah, I had a nice day. 我度过了愉快的一天

4. What happened? 发生了什么?

First, I won the basketball game. Next, I had some ice cream.

Then, I found my lost keys.

