
Week 17-Class 1 Grade 4

1. Is this towel yours? 这个毛巾是你的吗?

Yes, it is. 是的

2. Is this your handkerchief? 这个手帕是你的吗?

No, it isn’t. 不是

3. Are these her pajamas? 这是她的睡衣吗?

No, they aren’t. They are mine. 不是的,是我的

4. Are these slippers hers? 这是她的拖鞋吗?

No, they aren’t. They are Tony’s 不是的,是托尼的

5. Whose black and white swimsuit is this?


It’s his. 是他的。

Week 17-Class 1 Grade 6

1. What’s wrong with you? 你怎么啦?

I had too much cola 我喝了太多的可乐。

2. What’s bad for me? 哪些对我的身体是不好的?

Too much junk food is bad for you.


3. What’s good for me? 哪些对身体是好的?

Enough exercise is good for you. 适量的运动对身体好。

4. What’s wrong with Ruby? Ruby怎么啦?

She feels tired. She doesn’t get enough exercise.


5. What’s the matter with Hardy? Hardy怎么啦?

He feels bad. He drinks too much soft drinks

